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Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
in El Paso, TX


Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Few cosmetic surgery procedures are as transformative or satisfying as a tummy tuck, partly because almost everyone covets a trim midsection. However, aging, weight loss, and pregnancy all contribute to a decrease in muscle tone, increased fat, and loose skin around the abdomen. Sometimes, no amount of exercise seems to help, and you are left with a less than optimal waistline.

A tummy tuck procedure can help restore a more youthful, toned appearance and a more smoothly contoured, pleasing figure for both men and women. Also called an “abdominoplasty,” a tummy tuck involves surgically tightening the supporting tissues of the abdomen, restoring the organs to their original positions. If you also have excess fat that diet and exercise won’t eliminate, you may wish to combine a tummy tuck with High-Definition Liposculpting for better definition.


What Is a
Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the midsection to help contour the abdomen and restore a more youthful appearance. Some issues that a tummy tuck can improve are:

  • Loose, sagging skin around the abdomen
  • Separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti)
  • Small pockets of fat that are resistant to exercise

While a tummy tuck is not a weight loss solution, it can achieve results unlike any other procedure, especially when it comes to removing excess skin. Particularly, patients who have lost a large amount of weight, or who have been pregnant and given birth, and those who are feeling the effects of the aging process can all benefit from this procedure.

Am I a Candidate
For a Tummy Tuck?

Whenever the skin becomes stretched to accommodate changes in our bodies, such as pregnancy or weight gain, there is a chance that it will not “snap” back into place. This becomes more common as we age, as skin elasticity begins to decrease, making it more difficult for the body to accommodate fluctuations.

If you have loose, sagging skin around your midsection, you may be a candidate for a tummy tuck. Additionally, good candidates for a tummy tuck should:

  • Be close to their goal weight, with some pockets of fat
  • Have loose, sagging skin
  • Want to tighten and slim their midsection
  • Be generally in good health
  • Be nonsmokers or be willing to quit

If you’re considering a tummy tuck and would like to find out if you’re a good candidate for the procedure, call Dr. G Plastic Surgery today at (915) 600-2639 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Gonzalez. He will discuss all the benefits and risks of a tummy tuck, examine the treatment area, and create a recommended surgical plan that best addresses your tummy tuck goals.

How Is a Tummy Tuck Performed?

Every tummy tuck performed at Dr. G Plastic Surgery is uniquely designed to the individual patient and their needs. Dr. Gonzalez will incorporate various techniques to ensure the best possible result for your body type and the level of necessary revision. Some tummy tuck options include:

Mini Tummy Tuck

Some patients experience loose abdominal skin in a more focused area of the lower-middle abdomen, sometimes called a “pooch.” These patients may not require a full tummy tuck and can see excellent results with a less invasive procedure. Dr. Gonzalez can help you determine if you need a full or mini tummy tuck and will adjust his surgical plan as needed.

A mini tummy tuck usually involves a shorter incision across the lower abdomen, often around the same area as a cesarean section incision. Through this incision, Dr. Gonzalez can tighten the lower abdominal muscles, remove small pockets of fat, and then neatly drape the skin in a more pleasing position before removing the excess.

Full Tummy Tuck

A full or traditional tummy tuck may provide the most comprehensive results for patients experiencing more extensive abdominal stretching, loose skin throughout the upper and lower midsection, and larger sections of fat.

During this procedure, Dr. Gonzalez will make an incision right along the bikini line or lower abdomen and then remove excess fat before surgically tightening the abdominal wall. This will help restore a tighter, more slimmed appearance to the abdomen. He will then reposition the abdominal skin and belly button appropriately before removing any excess skin.

You may also wish to combine your tummy tuck with liposuction in a lipo-abdominoplasty, where Dr. Gonzalez will be able to remove more pockets of fat around the midsection.

Another procedure that can be combined is a 4D Hi-Def Liposculpting, which can also be performed with the tummy tuck. This goes beyond merely removing fat, as Dr. Gonzalez helps patients through body contouring techniques that feature careful re-insertion of fat around the muscles for the best results.

How Can I Prepare 
for a Tummy Tuck?

Your comprehensive tummy tuck consultation with Dr. Gonzalez will be an important step in your cosmetic surgery process. It is the point where you can ask any questions and understand the risks and benefits of this procedure. Dr. Gonzalez will explain what you can expect from the procedure itself and possible results so that you can get a realistic idea of whether a tummy tuck is right for you.

Once you and Dr. Gonzalez decide this is the ideal procedure for you, he will create an individual surgical plan. At this point, you can start preparing for your tummy tuck. Dr. Gonzalez may also provide you with some pre-operative instructions, which may include the following:

  • To stop or pause certain medications, such as blood thinners, which may affect healing
  • To quit smoking
  • To get a lab test or additional diagnostics

It’s also a good idea to have a recovery plan in place. Depending on your natural healing process and the extent of your surgery, tummy tuck recovery can be demanding. You will need someone to drive you home after surgery, and you may need them to stay with you the first night, as your mobility will be quite limited.

Tummy tuck patients often value preparing for surgery by setting up a recovery space in their home, with all the essentials prepared and on hand, to make things a little easier. You will most likely need to take time off of work to recover and schedule child care if necessary.

Dr. Gonzalez in a pink blazer

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(915) 600-2639


What Is Recovery From a Tummy Tuck Like?

Each patient will experience slightly different tummy tuck recovery, considering differences in surgical plans and the healing process. Mini tummy tucks, for example, are less invasive with less manipulation of tissues and smaller incisions, so the recovery period is generally a little easier. However, some general guidelines include:

It is likely you will feel some swelling, bruising, and discomfort immediately following your procedure. This is completely normal, and any discomfort should be manageable with over-the-counter medication or pain medication prescribed by Dr. Gonzalez.

You will have limited movement of your midsection– you may find it uncomfortable to stand fully upright for a while after your procedure. Some patients opt to sleep in an armchair for the first few nights as they find it difficult to sleep flat. Be sure to listen to your body and do not push or overextend yourself.

You may be given a compression garment, which should help with swelling and bruising. Be sure to wear this day and night, as per Dr. Gonzalez’s instructions.

Most patients should be able to return to work and do normal activity within a week, with limited movement. Be sure to rest as much as possible and avoid strenuous activities like exercise for up to eight weeks.

Dr. Gonzalez will provide you with more specific instructions that relate to your procedure, so be sure to follow them to the best of your abilities and call Dr. Gonzalez if you have any questions or concerns.

What Results Can I Expect After a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck can provide fantastic slimming and tightening results, unlike any other body contouring procedure. When changes to the body cause the abdomen to harbor excess skin and fat, it can be extremely frustrating. A tummy tuck remedies these issues to give you a toned, tightened abdomen.

While a tummy tuck is not a solution for needed weight loss, it does give you the opportunity to build upon your newly tightened abdominal muscles and continue to enhance your results with diet and exercise. After your tummy tuck with Dr. Gonzalez, you’ll be ready to show off your midsection at the beach and maintain your results for years to come.

Tummy Tuck Cost in El Paso, TX?

The starting price for a tummy tuck at Dr. Gonzalez’s practice is $9,500. This includes the doctor’s fee. The final cost may vary based on the complexity of the procedure and any additional treatments. During your consultation, Dr. Gonzalez will provide a detailed cost breakdown and discuss financing options to make the procedure more affordable.

Interested in a Tummy Tuck in El Paso, TX?

You don’t have to continue to live with loose skin hanging off your midsection, pockets of fat, or that stubborn “belly pooch” any longer. Dr. Gonzalez is a master of natural-looking, impactful body contouring results that leave his patients looking and feeling fantastic. If you’re ready to discover what a tummy tuck can do for you, call Dr. G Plastic Surgery today at (915) 600-2639 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation.

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